30 kisses. #4: Our distance and that person. 540 words, mildly silly. a dash of Atobe/Tezuka.

That Atobe wants Tezuka he makes very clear; it hardly needs Tezuka’s perspicacity to discern, considering that Atobe is possibly the least subtle person he has ever played, both on and off the court.

When Tezuka phones him from Germany, Atobe picks up on the second ring and says “Tezuka” into it, sounding surprised and cocky. He has Tezuka’s number programmed into his mobile. Tezuka hadn’t been aware Atobe had known it, but then Atobe has always stayed a step ahead of him. “Even from Germany,” says Atobe too sweetly, “you couldn’t resist hearing the sound of my beautiful voice?”

“I want you to ask a favor of you,” says Tezuka.

“Certainly,” says Atobe, seriously despite the flippancy in his tone. “If it’s one I can handle, of course.”

“I want you to play Echizen.”

There is silence on the other end of the line.

“He needs to become stronger, much stronger, before the nationals,” Tezuka continues. “You can help him.”

“Why Echizen?” asks Atobe. “Why not Fuji or Inui?”

“It’s what he needs,” Tezuka says, in a tone he hopes is curt enough to deliver the right message.

Apparently not. “But not what the others need?” Atobe’s voice is smug now: Tezuka can see him relaxing, getting fully into his role as Tezuka’s constant tease. “Tell me, Tezuka. What do you need?”

“Will you do this for me?” Tezuka asks. He knows the answer already, but he doesn’t mind humoring Atobe. It is easier than responding to him seriously.

“Or should I say who?” Tezuka can practically see his eyelashes flutter. “It must be awfully difficult being so far away from your teammates at this time, Kunimitsu-sama.”

“If you were his captain, you would understand,” Tezuka responds impassively. “You would make the same request of me.”

“There is not a player in Japan who can understand your mind, Tezuka,” says Atobe. “Or can Echizen Ryoma succeed where so many have failed?”

“Atobe,” says Tezuka.

“Is he that special, Tezuka?” Atobe says, and Tezuka hears the impatience, the slight hints of resentment creeping into Atobe’s steady, light voice despite Atobe’s best efforts. “Is he truly that much more extraordinary than the rest of us?”

“Yes,” Tezuka says.

“I will happily challenge him,” says Atobe.

“Thank you.”

“When I do, shall I give him any message from you?”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“You have nothing particular? Really? No special word of advice for your favorite?”

“Call me when you have done it,” Tezuka says resolutely. Ignoring Atobe comes as naturally to him as baiting him comes to Atobe. “I want to know how it goes.”

“I hope you won’t mind if I extract a slight payment in exchange for such a momentous favor.”

Tezuka blinks. “What sort of payment?”

“A kiss from Echizen,” Atobe says smoothly. “He’s young, still, but what grace. Imagine what those lips would be like moving beneath mine.”

Tezuka is speechless.

“When I defeat him it will be my reward,” Atobe continues. “And of course I’ll call you afterwards, Tezuka. I’ll tell you all about it.”

Tezuka’s intake of breath is reflexive.

Atobe hears it, and chuckles lightly. “Ah. So that’s how it is,” he says. “I win again, Tezuka-kun.”

Tezuka hangs up the phone.

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